Another element of Boss Productions' unique corporate structure lies within its Event Management and Consulting Division.
This group provides a perfect conduit in which to handle outside agency client needs. These services are performed through specialized subsidiaries who are just as dedicated to delivering thought-provoking, original content for our clientele.
Our corporate, entertainment and sports relationships bolster the Boss Productions’ strategic event marketing and its positioning is augmented via these professional partnerships and allows us to produce stellar results. We utilize a three-tiered process that coalesces entertainment and technology to develop and promote truly special events around the Globe.
BP Inc. enhances traditional mediums of promotion (i.e. print and radio) by utilizing a dynamic, contemporary tool ‐ ‐ a national electronic mail distribution list.
Boss Productions combines conventional text messaging of electronic mail with visual advertisements including designs, photos, sound, and video.
Our use of information technology supplemented with marketing and promotional media creates your competitive advantage, which BP Inc. transforms into purchase considerations for your products and/or services customed to your company's brand objectives.

BP Inc. through the services of our special events marketing arm (Boss Productions) creates unique activation platforms that are highly conducive for product placement, branding, market research and strategic data collection.
Meshed with our intense “lifestyle” marketing campaign of print, street, radio, and Internet promotion; clients’ can effectively utilize these customized methods to increase retail sale opportunities while building on their brand recognition.
BP Inc. utilizes the professional in-house graphic design company, Global Design Network (GDN) in a Joint Venture partnership in which to provide progressive, multidimensional content creation.
GDN combines artistic concepts with leading edge technologies to create stunning visual communications and viral business solutions.
BP Inc. offers an imaginative, innovative and creative sports & entertainment event consulting service, which specializes in diversity marketing.
We provide a full service, concept driven, custom package of entertainment, activities, and accommodations that fit the client’s dreams, desires, and most of all, budget.
Our unique, effective strategies at reaching your event will be listed with many other high quality events that represent the style, class, elegance, and culture of the African‐American community.